To live a free life you must escape

Category: Uncategorized

  • What to do your first day out of prison

    Holy Shit! It is here the day you have been building up to for years. Sitting in discharge, every nerve in your body is twitching. It doesn’t mater how cold that little room is, sweat is still rolling down your cheeks. Every step of this process is exciting and terrifying. When they finally walk you… Read more

  • Change your Identity for good

    The first step to escaping is to create a new identity. The person that got you here has to be replaced. You need to become someone new. The kind of person that doesn’t get arrested. The kind of person that doesn’t use drugs or alcohol, keep toxic relationships, or any of the other habits that… Read more

  • Why are we still addicted?

    Why In the world we live in, where all information and knowledge is available at the click of a button, do people still struggle so bad with addiction?  We have had programs like AA around for decades, and if you have been around many people that have been to these classes, it doesn’t seem to… Read more