To live a free life you must escape

The Escaping Inmate

Escape the Ruling Class

Escape the Slave Class

Become the Free Class

In 2010 I was arrested,

Shortly after that I decided to escape.

No not like some ALCATRAZ movie shit. I decided to escape all of it. No more drugs or ALCOHOL, no more fat and lazy, no more toxic people.

In a few short years I have been able to prove myself to my family, and reearn their trust. Mary the love of my life, start multiple SUCCESSFUL companies, buy a few houses, including one in the caribbean where we also have a huge sailing boat, and well pretty much live the life of my dreams.

I will try to share what got me to where I am today

These are thought and ideas I write down to try and help others. If you want to here some “stories from the old days” go to fucking AA. I don’t glorify that shit, or sit around dwelling on it

It is time to be free

To live a truly free life, you first must escape.


Addiction is the most cruel master. It will rob us of all joy and freedom. Beating us down so low that we have to chase it just to get past the pain and regret we cause ourselves.

Sick Tired

The ruling class needs us weak, they need us dependent on their “cures” and “medicines”. To be free we have to be strong and healthy. We have to feel good and proud of the goals we work towards.


If your goal is to be rich, you will live poor. If your goal is to be free, you will live rich. There is a need to work hard and gain financial independence, but if you are only trying to “get rich”, you are a slave to money.